Member Companies


Greater Flexibility

Greater flexibility in regulatory approval requirements is needed to incentivize investment in novel antimicrobial and diagnostic device development. Policy options that strike an appropriate balance between safety, efficacy, and urgent needs in public health should be explored by industry together with both the FDA and other key stakeholders.

Alternative Pricing Models

Alternative pricing models must be explored to help improve the economic conditions surrounding antimicrobial and diagnostic device development and generate a robust antimicrobials pipeline.

Work With Experts

AWG is also eager to work with subject matter experts, community members, advocates, and organizations that seek to support and expedite the development of antimicrobial drugs and diagnostic devices.

“Innovation is the calling card of the future”

– Congresswoman Anna Eshoo

AMR Stories

AWG Executive Committee

Colin Broom, M.D.

Ted Schroeder

AWG Chairman of the Board
Chief Executive Officer
Nabriva Therapeutics

Manos Perros, Ph.D

AWG Vice Chair
Chief Executive Officer
co-Founder and Director
Entasis Therapeutics

Evan Loh, M.D.

Jeffrey Stein, Ph.D.

President and Chief Executive Officer
Cidara Therapeutics

Christine Ann Miller

President & CEO
Melinta Therapeutics

Christopher J. Burns, Ph.D.

Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer
Venatorx Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

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